Recreatiepark De Wielen
De Wielen

Bar/restaurant Parkhuys

Eetcafé the Parkhuys

Jessica and her team are ready to spoil you with pizzas, delicious dishes, snacks and drinks. We request that you pay by PIN only. Would you like to make a reservation, order or do you have any other questions? Send an email to


Opening hours

The Parkhuys has a café where you can enjoy the delicious dishes that Jessica and her team prepare. The cafe is not always open. Check here when it is open.
View the opening hours

Pizzas, menus, snacks and drinks

There is so much delicious food available in the cafe! Various set menus, of course delicious pizzas, but also often daily specials. Of course, the fixed menu includes classics such as burgers, croquettes, salads and fries.
View the menu